November 16th, 2022 – 4:20 PM
Floyd County Police Department –

The following is a Public Service Announcement from the Floyd County Police Department:
Ties to gun violence can be found in scores of theft cases that have plagued our community since the
summer. The best advice continues to be to secure your vehicle and remove valuables. The increase in gun violence and entering autos is unacceptable and the Floyd County Police Department is taking strong proactive action to arrest and recover stolen property. In 2022 alone, the Floyd County Police Department has taken reports on 77 cases of entering auto and theft; 23 of those involved stolen firearms. Investigators have cleared 32 of those cases, but another incident occurs elsewhere as quickly as one is solved. The driveway in front of your home may seem secure and safe from threat, but criminals who lurk in the dark are looking for easy targets with vehicles that are unlocked or have open windows, said Logan Moore, an investigator working a series of recent break-ins.
While a fraction of police cases report busted windows, police have found that this typically only
occurs when valuables are in plain sight. Prevention starts with precaution. Cameras help a great deal, but savvy criminals also understand surveillance and how to cover up. Securing valuables inside and locking vehicles can save you money and potentially save lives in our community. Floyd County Police Investigators have recovered at least eight firearms that have been involved in local crimes. In one search warrant investigation, two juveniles were arrested and police recovered drugs and six guns, three of which were later determined to be stolen. “Bad guys know that they are going to have reasonable success getting valuables if they pull on car handles,” said Carlos Ribot, another investigator working vehicle break-ins. “In most cases, the car will be unlocked.”
In two separate traffic stop investigations, police recovered stolen firearms and drugs from passengers. One traffic stop spawned from a due regard violation and resulted in the discovery of four guns and drugs. Another traffic stop, in the city, revealed two firearms; one of which was stolen. There is no national firearm database as seen on television. Police rely on victims to keep good records and provide accurate details for reports. In some cases, victims are unable to properly identify firearms, which decreases the odds of police being able to return their property. Ribot recommends that people keep a log of firearm serial numbers or photograph weapons and valuables to document loss to police and insurance.