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Greene comments on Biden impeachment inquiry

Tuesday, September 12, 2023–6:25 p.m.

-Staff reports-

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene has issued a statement on the Impeachment Inquiry launched into Joe Biden by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

“There are two ways to open an impeachment inquiry,” she said. “The House can take a vote, or the Speaker of the House can announce in start in open the investigation. He can open the Impeachment inquiry and that was a precedent set forward by former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. And that’s what he chose to do today. And I think it was a great bold move.”

The inquiry will make it easier to obtain bank records and other documents from Biden and his son, Hunter.

White House spokesperson Ian Sams responded via social media.

“House Republicans have been investigating the President for 9 months, and they’ve turned up no evidence of wrongdoing His own GOP members have said so. He vowed to hold a vote to open impeachment, but now he flip-flopped because he doesn’t have support.”

Greene claims the inquiry is not about politics.

“Absolutely not,” she said. “It’s not politically motivated at all and the American people at home know one thing that they’re suffering under the Biden administration with a wide open border and invasion of illegal immigrants, over 85,000 migrant children missing, over 300 Americans dying every single day from fentanyl. They can’t afford their electric bills, they can’t afford their gas bills. They can’t afford groceries. That’s what the American people know. And they know that politicians like Joe Biden, who’s been in this place in office for over 50 years have gotten richer and richer and richer every year. They’re in office, and they know why. And I’m really excited. We’re doing this impeachment inquiry because I believe we’re going to expose the truth.”