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Georgia’s average gas price up nine cents

Monday, July 24, 2023–10:32 a.m.

-David Crowder, WRGA News-

Georgia motorists saw another price hike at the pump in the past week.

The average price for a gallon of regular unleaded was $3.36 on Monday, up nine cents from a week ago, and seven cents from this time last month.

The average is still 55 cents less than what Georgia drivers were paying this time last year.

It now costs an average of $50.40 to fill a 15-gallon tank of regular gasoline. Drivers are paying almost $8.50 less to fill up at the pump compared to a year ago.

 “Despite another week of lackluster demand for gasoline, Georgia pump prices continued to rise,” said Montrae Waiters, AAA-The Auto Club Group spokeswoman. “The primary reason is higher crude oil prices, which have recently increased to the mid-$70s per barrel.” 

Local averages on Monday were $3.29 in Floyd County, $3.31 in Polk County, $3.33 in Gordon County, and $3.39 in Bartow County.

Chattooga had the lowest average in the region at $3.24.

Increasing Cost of Crude Oil Pushes Gas Prices Higher  

Since last Monday, the national average for a gallon of regular gasoline has increased by 3 cents to $3.59 (subject to change overnight).

According to data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA), gas demand increased slightly from 8.76 to 8.86 million barrels a day last week.

Meanwhile, total domestic gasoline stocks fell from 219.5 to 218.4 million barrels. With supplies tight, if demand climbs, pump prices will follow suit.