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Joint services committee discusses Banty Jones improvements

August 2, 2022–1:00 p.m.


Planned renovations at Banty Jones Park were discussed during the Joint Services Committee meeting on Tuesday morning.

The project went out to bid and received one back higher than expected.

The new plan is to rebid the project with the renovations broken down into smaller phases.

Phase 1 would include demolition of the existing bathrooms, construction of new bathrooms, and construction of a splash pad.

The park revamping falls under the larger East Rome Crossing Project, which provides better housing and public assets to the residents of the East Rome Community.

“It’s around the John Graham Homes,” said Rome Community Development Director Bekki Fox.

At some point, those are planned to be demolished and then reconstructed.  It will be a mixed-income development and it will be over three phases.  It will not look anything like it does now.  There is going to be a mixture of duplexes, some single-family houses, quadruplexes, townhomes, etc., instead of what’s there now.”