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Coosa Valley Credit Union wins national marketing awards

June 12, 2022–5:50 p.m.


Coosa Valley Credit Union was recently honored with MAC Awards in the broadcast video and non-commercial video categories from the Marketing Association of Credit Unions, which recognizes outstanding marketing and business development achievements in the credit union industry nationwide.

CVCU received Bronze Awards for both Non-Commercial Video Marketing and Broadcast Video Marketing.

“It’s an honor to be recognized among our peers who all do such incredible work in the
industry. Coosa Valley Credit Union has made great strides with our brand and elevating market
awareness, affinity, member loyalty, and penetration in a highly-competitive market,” said Stephanie
Graves, Vice President of Marketing for Coosa Valley Credit Union.

View the winning Non-Commercial Video Marketing submission here.

View the winning Broadcast Video Marketing submission here.

The Marketing Association of Credit Unions celebrates its MAC Awards its annual conference, held in
May of each year.

For more information on the MAC Awards or to view the entire list of winners, visit