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[VIDEO] “Back the Blue” Community Rally

June 15, 2020 – 8:30 PM

Ethan Garrett – Digital News Editor and Video Reporter

On Monday afternoon the Rome/Floyd community was invited to attend a Back the Blue Rally for our Police Officers and First Responders to “remember the fallen, cherish the living, and honor them all.”

The community was encouraged to come and show their love and support with signs in appreciation for the first responders and their families, and the sacrifices they’ve made.

This peaceful march started at the Rome City Auditorium and moved to the Law Enforcement Center to the “Call To Duty” memorial site.

We heard from event organizer Tabitha Chapman, Sheriff’s Office Chaplain David Thornton, and Chief of Rome Police Denise Downer-McKinney about the significance of this event for the Rome /Floyd Community.

For more on this, please view the video below:

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