June 12, 2020–6:13 a.m.
Elections officials are looking back at Tuesday’s Election to determine what can be done better in November.
Floyd County Commission Chairman Scotty Hancock was a guest on Thursday’s First News with Tony McIntosh.
The main issue in Floyd County, which was the delay in counting absentee ballots, was an issue with the software, which came from the state.
“If everything would have gone the way they were supposed to, we would have had all of our results in by 12:30 or 1 a.m.,” he said. That was about what everyone else was doing with the mail-in ballots. We had all of our precincts in by 10:30. For me, personally, I think we can do better than that.”
Floyd County did not see the four hour waits that occurred in other counties.
“We did not have to extend our poll hours and do some things that other ones did,” Hancock continued. “We had some issues starting up. Once we ramped up and we had the appropriate people in the right place to do some refresher training on what to do, we got it done. And we’re going to work on that internally. There are ways that we can do that better and that’s an issue that has to be corrected by our board of elections and our elections officials. And we’re going to fix that.”
More Floyd County residents voted by absentee mail-in ballot than in-person for the Primary Elections.