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Election results expected to be in later than usual

June 9, 2020–6:22 p.m.


On Election night, June 9, 2020, the tabulation of ballots will commence promptly at 7:00 PM.

It can be expected that results will be made available later than usual due to tabulation of two elections being conducted, March 24, 2020, and June 9, 2020, along with an unusually large amount of Absentee by Mail Ballots (approximately 12,000).

It is planned to release tallies as often as significant vote changes become apparent, but not necessarily on any kind of time schedule. Processing of electronic media will continue while paper ballots are counted, and will most likely be the source of the updates we provide during the evening.

Chief Elections Clerk Robert Brady states “The paper ballot scanning equipment is expected to take close to three hours to process all paper ballots received. Expected time for results will be 11:00 PM at the earliest before an “unofficial and incomplete” tally of the ballots. Because of the current pandemic circumstances, observers are asked to remain mindful of social distancing procedures and requirements.”