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[VIDEO] 2 Bodies found underneath Etowah Bridge near Grizzard Park

May 13th, 2020 – 5:15 PM

Ethan Garrett – WRGA Digital News Editor and Video Reporter

On Wednesday afternoon The Georgia Burea of Investigation was requested by the Rome Police Department to investigate the Deaths of 2 individuals found near the underside of Etowah Bridge of Loop 1 near Grizzard Park (US HWY 411).

Their bodies were recovered from underneath the bridge with Assistance from the Rome/Floyd Fire Department.

We spoke with Bryan Johnston of the GBI Calhoun Regional Office at the scene – Johnston informed us that the bodies were discovered by a couple of GDOT workers who were doing routine maintance on the bridge.

The 2 two individuals have not been offically identified at this time, and the GBI agents are continuing to investigate with the Rome Police Department.

Please see the video below for more information :

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